A Small Miracle: Georgia Power Opens a New Nuclear Power Plant

Yesterday Georgia Power announced that the second new nuclear unit at Plant Vogtle entered commercial service, “the first new commercial reactors built from scratch in the U.S. in more than three decades.” ...


However, the news is not all good; as the Wall Street Journal reports, “adding two new reactors cost more than $30 billion, more than twice the initial estimates, and are a major reason no other large nuclear-power facilities are under development in the U.S. and the industry focus has shifted to smaller designs.”

Ed Morrissey

We have to get better about building these new-tech reactors, both in terms of cost efficiency and in numbers. If we are not going to use oil, coal, or natural gas to generate electricity, then we need a lot more scalable sources than we otherwise have to meet current needs, let alone the needs for future growth. 

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