Reality Bites: Migrants and Advocates Brace for New Rules Governing Shelter Spots

Any adult migrant without children seeking shelter will soon be warned they will only get one 30-day stay, which can be extended under “extenuating circumstances.”


Extension requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, officials have said, and if one isn’t granted, adult migrants could be booted from city shelters permanently, with the first evictions slated for the second half of May.

Migrants may also appeal for a shelter extension if they can prove they made “significant efforts” to leave the shelter system, although it is not yet clear who those two criteria will be implemented together.

Kayla Mamelak, a spokesperson for City Hall, said the new system will kick in in the next few days, though the process thus far has been subject to delays. 

Beege Welborn

Going to be interesting to watch how ugly it gets and how fast when these illegals already feel entitled.

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