Unchurched—and Anti-Semitic?

Secularists have come disproportionately from among the ranks of one-time Christians, like “cradle” Catholics who became “lapsed” Catholics, and whose Christian faith commitments were never other than shallow. As Jim Davis and Michael Graham report in their bookThe Great De-churching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will Bring Them Back? (2023), evidence also exists that more than a quarter of the growing cohort of “de-churched” white evangelical Christians hold at least one view that typically has been associated with anti-Semitic beliefs and sentiments: namely, that “the United States should be declared a Christian nation.”


What about religious commitments among American Jews themselves? In May 2021, the Pew Research Center reported that, in 2020, only about a quarter of American Jews believed in the God described in the Bible, only a fifth deemed religion “very important” in their lives, and only an eighth attended religious services at least weekly. ...

So, did anti-Semitism become more or less prevalent, virulent, and violent as religious commitments among Christians became shallower and Jewish identities, both religious and cultural, underwent assimilation or attenuation via intermarriage?

Ed Morrissey

I suspect this is a correlation-causation error. Or at the very least, Dilulio is conflating outcomes with causes. Anti-Semitism was far more common and more broadly held decades ago when America was much more "churched," and Europe had raging anti-Semitism long before Hitler came around. It was actually worse in then-Catholic France, but Martin Luther imparted a very virulent form of anti-Semitism to his followers in Germany in the 16th century, and that never went away until after WWII.

Secularization itself may even be a parallel outcome. The real culprit here is not atheism or dilution of religious practice, but instead the adoption of a form of Marxism that replaces class with racialism and divides people into occupier/occupied categories. That is the real cause of the moral collapse in Academia, which has been nihilistic for decades, especially in their zeal to destroy Western civilization. 

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