NFL Funded Left-Wing Group Bailing Out Anti-Israel Bridge Blockers

The left-wing nonprofit that bailed out anti-Israel protesters who blocked bridges and highways across the country last week was a multi-year partner of the NFL's "Inspire Change program" whose work is still promoted on the NFL's website.


Community Justice Exchange set up a "bail and legal defense fund" for those arrested during last week's A15 protests. The protests targeted major airports, highways, and bridges in dozens of U.S. cities including San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia. Their explicit goal was to disrupt economic "choke points" to maximize financial disruption, as explained on their website.

The online fundraiser, hosted by ActBlue and organized in conjunction with A15 Action, told donors that the funds will "support community members who are criminalized in the U.S. for their solidarity with Palestine."

Ed Morrissey

So the "change" the NFL seeks to inspire is anti-Semitic hatred? What an absolute farce. Will someone demand that Roger Goodell explain himself?

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