Biden Needs to Explain Rob Malley Case. Now.

As the Middle East threatens to explode into a wider war, it needs to be asked how we got to the strange place where the White House considers it more important to militarily restrain our ally Israel than our enemy Iran, which has regularly denounced America as “the Great Satan” back to 1979. This is, at best, naivete on a grand scale. But is there more to it? 


Here we must turn to the mysterious and troubling case of Rob Malley. He’s the Obama-Biden go-to guy on Iran. Malley holds far-left views on foreign policy, especially the Middle East, that were considered fringe even among Democrats a generation ago but are now deemed normal. Malley worked for President Bill Clinton, then served on the National Security Council during Obama’s second term as the mullah-whisperer. Malley was the driving force behind JCPOA, and once President Donald Trump killed the Iran deal in 2018, Biden brought Malley back into the White House in 2021 expressly to resurrect it. ...

You might think Team Biden would want to keep distance between the White House and suspected Iranian spies. You would be wrong. 

Ed Morrissey

There is clearly a connection between Malley and Iran, and it has now become an acute national security issue. If the FBI and the White House won't discuss it, then it's time for Congress to get involved. 

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