When I Say a Kennedy Married for Money, I Mean ...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, made a significant donation to his underdog campaign for the White House one day after he announced his vice presidential pick last month.


Shanahan, a wealthy lawyer and entrepreneur, officially joined the Kennedy ticket in Oakland, California, on March 26. The next day, she donated $2 million to the campaign, according to Kennedy's latest Federal Election Commission filingShe had previously donated a smaller amount to Kennedy's campaign, but because she is now a candidate on the ticket, she can spend unlimited amounts of her own money on the effort.

Ed Morrissey

I quipped at the time that RFK picked Shanahan that it was the first time in memory that a Kennedy had to marry for money. I was only half-joking; RFK is married to the actress Cheryl Hines, but it was obvious that he picked Shanahan from obscurity to access her wealth.

As NBC notes, there's nothing illegal about this. But it sure smells like Shanahan bought her seat on the ticket. 

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