The 'Better' Civilians of Gaza

"The crimes committed by the Germans are horrible and one hears on every corner of the misery and losses they have intentionally brought over the peoples. The strangest thing is that even the better people among the Germans are not conscious of their heavy responsibility for all these crimes committed by the government they have chosen themselves, and that the outside world is rather inclined to forget about it."


Those words were written by Albert Einstein on September 16, 1945, shortly after the end of World War II, in a letter I was fortunate enough to acquire.

That letter could have been written to the so-called innocent adult civilians in Gaza. They too bear "a heavy responsibility for all these crimes committed by the government they have chosen themselves." They elected Hamas and, according to recent polls, continue to support it and would vote for those terrorists again.

Some are more responsible than others. 

Ed Morrissey

Indeed. The media and the current administration pretend that Gazans had no agency in Hamas' control over the Strip, but that's simply not true. They were wildly popular in large part because they promised to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews, except those they would enslave. Gazans have had 17 years to reject Hamas, but on October 7, they were at the zenith of popularity -- mainly because it looked like Hamas might actually defeat Israel. 

The comparison to Nazi Germany is very apt indeed. Gazans fully bought into the genocidal cult of Hamas, and now they're paying for that mistake. Too bad; the Israelis have to fully defeat them now to discredit Hamasism just as the Allies had to crush Germany to discredit Naziism. 

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