No, SCOTUS Didn't Abolish the Right to Protest

The Left doesn’t like the U.S. Supreme Court.

It didn’t like that, after President Donald Trump left office, six of the nine justices were appointed by Republicans, and it liked it even less when those justices overturned Roe v. Wade, pointing out that there is no “right” to abortion found in a document written more than 200 years ago. So, it’s spent the last several years waging an all-out smear campaign against the court that sometimes forces its journalists to adopt murky and nonsensical arguments — which is what happened this week.


On Monday morning, visitors to Vox came across this headline:

The Supreme Court effectively abolishes the right to mass protest in three US states

Simultaneously, the New Republic informed its readers in the first paragraph of a breaking news article dedicated to the same topic that “[t]he Supreme Court’s inaction has effectively abolished the right to mass protest across three states, allowing a lower court’s ruling to seemingly infringe upon the Constitution’s First Amendment.”

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