Fatal self-defense shootings running high in Detroit

The city of Detroit went into bankruptcy last summer, citing a whole slew of financial and municipal problems including the Detroit police’s average response time to calls for the highest-priority crimes coming in at an absurd 58 minutes — but that didn’t stop the firestorm of criticism in store for Detroit Police Chief James Craig when he started vocally advocating for more responsible citizens to take up the task of self defense by arming themselves.


After an incident last week, however, in which a northwest Detroit homeowner fatally shot two men he said were trying to break home, the number of fatal self-defense shootings for the year will likely be up to 10 already. In 2012, there were 25 justifiable homicides by citizens in the D, and 15 in 2013 — and whether or not its because more people have taken Chief Craig’s advice to heart and starting exercising their Second Amendment rights, it looks like more would-be criminals are finding citizens who aren’t willing to be made into victims, the Detroit News reports:

“It does appear more and more Detroiters are becoming empowered,” Craig said. “More and more Detroiters are getting sick of the violence. I know of no other place where I’ve seen this number of justifiable homicides. It’s interesting that these incidents go across gender lines.” …

Among the recent incidents:

-On March 7, a woman in her 50s shot and killed a man trying to break into her home in the 22000 block of Grove Street. She heard noises at her rear window and shot the intruder in the chest.

-At 2 a.m. Feb. 22, two men broke into a house on the city’s southwest side; the homeowner shot both men. A 21-year-old man died and the other man escaped.

-Earlier on Feb. 22, at 12:30 a.m., a woman who was surprised by a gunman when she pulled her car into the garage was able to reach for her own gun and fatally shoot the man.

-A woman on Feb. 17 opened fire on three teens who kicked in her door. The alleged intruders, ages 14, 14 and 15, were caught by police and charged with home invasion. …

“This should be a message to those who continue to perpetuate violence on Detroiters that enough is enough. You’ve got to be concerned about good Detroiters who aren’t going to stand for it,” Craig said. “Detroiters are fed up and they are taking action.”


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