Vulnerable Democrats on getting HealthCare.Gov fixed: Tick tock, White House

Certain Democratic senators, very much aware of the impact that ObamaCare’s ongoing problems and glitches could very well have on their reelection prospects in next year’s midterms, are willing to give the White House some time to iron everything out and get the website finally running at least somewhat smoothly before they start piling on with their own accusations, criticisms, and fixes — but not much.


They have campaign schedules to keep, after all, and if ObamaCare isn’t working like a charm by early 2014, the situation could eventually mean some Senate Democrats are going to have to look out for themselves, even if it’s at ObamaCare’s expense. So reports Politico:

At the pleading of senior White House officials, Senate Democrats are holding off on demands to delay major aspects of the health care law until the Obama administration has the opportunity to fix the website problems that are thwarting enrollment in the program. …

Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), who attended a tense two-hour meeting with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday over the issue, stressed that senators should give the administration just “a little bit” of breathing room. …

Already, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) is preparing legislation to extend the enrollment period beyond March 31, and Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) has offered a bill to allow consumers to keep their existing coverage. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) unveiled bipartisan legislation Thursday with Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) to delay for one year the penalties if consumers do not comply with the individual mandate. Unlike Shaheen and Landrieu, Manchin does not face reelection next year. …

One senior Senate Democratic aide predicted that no action on the law would be taken before the end of the year but added that all bets are off if the problems extend into 2014.


Oh, boy. Add it to the long list of reasons that the news that ObamaCare’s programmers are only discovering more and more glitches as they delve deeper through the entire HealthCare.Gov process was especially bleak for the White House.

Particularly after Virginia’s gubernatorial election on Tuesday night, Democrats want/need to start strategizing on their messaging going into the midterms — and throwing ObamaCare at least partially under the bus isn’t off the table for everyone.

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