Democrats getting antsy about Romney's fundraising tally?

The official total isn’t ready yet and we still don’t have an estimate available from Team Obama, but it looks like Team Romney is on track to continue the trend of fundraising domination of the past few months. Via the WSJ:


Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign is expected to have raised more than $100 million last month, according to two people familiar with the matter, marking the third straight month the Republican’s money effort has crossed the nine-figure threshold.

The final number will be announced next week, but the total shows that Mr. Romney’s fundraising network – so far relying heavily on large donors from the financial sector – has not tired as the general election approaches.

President Barack Obama’s re-election bid has not yet announced its fundraising total for August. Still, Mr. Romney and the Republican National Committee have outraised Mr. Obama for the three months prior. Mr. Obama’s monthly fundraising record this election is $75 million.

(Before anyone gets all holier-than-thou, by the way, President Obama knows all about large donations from the financial sector — don’t get me started). Given all the time President Obama spends campaigning and fundraising these days (so, actually, nothing too remarkably different from how he’s spent his time during most of his presidency), and given that we’re heading into the last couple months of campaign season and the time to pull out all of the financial stops is nigh, the Democrats may be about ready to enter into panic mode. Fox’s Ed Henry reports:

Senior Democratic sources say that in closed-door meetings with campaign donors here at the convention, top Obama campaign officials like campaign manager Jim Messina are expressing increasing alarm over the fact that Republican Mitt Romney raised $100 million in the month of August alone, further expanding his cash edge.

The Democratic sources tell Fox News the Obama team is privately saying they believe the final days of the presidential race are now shaping up as a dramatic battle between money and demographics, with President Obama’s advisers fearful that Romney will use his war chest to unleash a bombardment of television ads and ground game to turn out more white, working-class voters.

Nevertheless, the Obama team is saying in these private meetings they are still confident that they can win by exploiting their demographic edge with Hispanic, African-American and female voters, among others. …


Hmmm. What with the low show-up-at-the-polls level of enthusiasm for President Obama among Hispanic voters and the early suggestions that a growing number of women might be just about fed up with this “war on women” nonsense, I’d probably be getting pretty worried right about now, too.

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