Quinnipiac poll puts Obama approval at 42/50, ObamaCare at 41/55

The White House may be celebrating its ObamaCare sign-up figures, but they appear to have misjudged the mood of the electorate. Few are celebrating the law or its impact, according to the latest poll from Quinnipiac, and that’s not the only issue on which they are dissatisfied, either. While Barack Obama declared the debate “over” on ObamaCare, 55% of people declared it very much open (via Jeff Dunetz):


American voters oppose the Affordable Care Act 55 – 41 percent and 40 percent are less likely to vote for a candidate who supports Obamacare, while 27 percent are more likely and 31 percent say this will not affect their vote.

There is little from this poll in which Obama and the White House can take comfort. On almost every question, Obama finds himself under water, including what had been formerly Democratic policy areas of strength. On the economy, Obama gets a 40/55 approval rating, which is a big problem for Democrats who now want to pivot in that direction and away from ObamaCare. In scoring the state of the economy, only 26% of respondents rate it as “good,” with a null reading for “excellent” (1% of Democrats think it is). Overall, 74% think it’s “not so good” or “poor,” and among independents it’s 79%.

On health care, Obama gets a 39/58 – a nearly 20-point gap that is nonetheless a slight improvement from December’s 34/62. His leadership and honesty ratings are virtual ties, despite long being strengths in most polling series and especially in the Q-polls.

But his foreign policy numbers may be most disconcerting for the White House:


American voters give President Barack Obama a negative 39 – 55 percent grade for his handling of foreign policy, one of his lowest foreign policy grades ever, as his overall job approval inches up to a negative 42 – 50 percent in a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today.

Interestingly, his numbers on Ukraine and Russia aren’t quite as bad — only 41/47, but it drops to 36/50 among independents … and 38/47 in adults under 30 years of age.

This leaves Democrats nearly no place to turn in attempting to get the conversation off of ObamaCare. That’s why we will see a lot more “celebrations” as we did yesterday on April Fool’s Day, as they hope to fool enough people to minimize their losses in the midterms.

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