The Ed Morrissey Show: Andrew Malcolm, Renee Ellmers

Today on The Ed Morrissey Show (3 pm ET), The Prince of Twitter, Andrew Malcolm, returns for our Tuesdays with Andrew series on media and politics.  We’ll talk about who is most responsible for the explosion in the national debt, the lack of movement in Gallup polling, and much more.


In bonus minutes, we welcome back Renee Ellmers, the candidate for Congress from North Carolina’s 2nd CD.  She’ll update on us on her effort to unseat incumbent Democrat Bob “Who are you?” Etheridge and her plans for the home stretch of the campaign.

The Ed Morrissey Show and its dynamic chatroom can be seen on the permanent TEMS page — be sure to join us!

Also, Pepsi has its Refresh Everything “Good Idea” contest, in which people vote for the best ideas to see which get funding at the end of October. Winning one of the $50,000 grants would put us in excellent shape to continue our ministry to marriages. People can vote for TCME at the Refresh Everything page or right here in this widget, and can cast one vote each day from each computer to which voters have access:

We joke a lot about politics and voting, but in this case, the Chicago Way applies — vote early, vote often, and vote every day! If you don’t want to register for the contest, simply text “103165” to Pepsi (73774) from your cell phone every day.

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