NARN, the Catch the Wave Edition!

The Northern Alliance Radio Network will be on the air today, with our eight-hour-long broadcast schedule starting at 9 am CT. If you’re in the Twin Cities, you can hear us on AM 1280 The Patriot, or on the station’s Internet stream if you’re outside of the broadcast area.


Today, I would have called this the Dullest Show Ever in honor of our cousins to the East who had the misfortune of Joe Biden’s company, but it’s just going to be too exciting for that! With just three Saturdays left before the midterm election, we’ll have lots of candidate visits this month. Today we’ll talk to Keith Fjelstad, 67A state House candidate Krysia Weidell, and we’ll also chat with MinnPost’s David Brauer about the polling issues with the Strib, Humph, and Rasmussen polls in the gubernatorial race.

Be sure to call 651-289-4488 to join the conversation!

Mitch and I now live-stream our show from 1-3 pm CT on Ustream, complete with live chat, which can be seen on the permanent Ed Morrissey Show page at Hot Air. Be sure to register for free at Ustream to participate in our raucous live-chat sessions. (And if the log-in prompt doesn’t come up in the chat box below, use this link instead.)


Also, Pepsi has its Refresh Everything “Good Idea” contest, in which people vote for the best ideas to see which get funding at the end of October. Winning one of the $50,000 grants would put us in excellent shape to continue our ministry to marriages. People can vote for TCME at the Refresh Everything page or right here in this widget, and can cast one vote each day from each computer to which voters have access:

We joke a lot about politics and voting, but in this case, the Chicago Way applies — vote early, vote often, and vote every day! If you don’t want to register for the contest, simply text “103165” to Pepsi (73774) from your cell phone every day.

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