Right Online interview: Christine O'Donnell

Delaware has an intriguing Senate race this year, thanks to Joe Biden’s decision to run for both his US Senate seat and the Vice Presidency in 2008.  Delaware now has to fill the rest of Biden’s term (after an interim appointment expires), and that gives this race a twist. The winner of the general election will not take office in 2011, but immediately after Election Day.  That means if a Republican can beat Democratic nominee Chris Coons, they have the ability to block any lame-duck session shenanigans by Harry Reid.  Christine O’Donnell explains in this interview why she, and not Mike Castle, will be the reliable Republican to fill that role:


Christine O'Donnell
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The campaign is stressing the argument that Coons loses to either O’Donnell or Castle, according to Rasmussen polling last week.  Castle has dropped below 50% now, and O’Donnell has risen to a slight 41/39 edge over Coons in a head-to-head matchup.  This race has flown more or less under the radar on the national scene, but the primary takes place on September 14th, and time is running short.

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