The Ed Morrissey Show: Kerry Picket, Andy McCarthy, John Randall, Princella Smith

Today, on the Ed Morrissey Show (3 pm ET), Washington Times reporter Kerry Picket gives us the skinny on Capitol Hill, where the ObamaCare debacle continues to unfold, including the latest on Bart Stupak. National Review columnist and author of Willful Blindness: Memoir of the Jihad Andy McCarthy discusses the order demanding the release of 9/11 conspirator Mohamedou Slahi, as well as Eric Holder’s sudden reticence to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee. In bonus minutes, the NRCC’s John Randall updates us on the Code Red project, including a new focus on what is now being called the Flip-Flop Five.


And in bonus bonus minutes, we’ll spend a few minutes with Princella Smith, running for Congress in Marion Barry’s open seat for Arkansas. Don’t miss it!

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