McCain ad: "Preconditions"

The McCain campaign finally connected the dots in a clear and direct manner on Barack Obama’s “no preconditions” pledge.  Their new ad notes that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a few preconditions of his own.  Is Barack Obama prepared to meet them in order to meet Mahmoud?


ANNCR: Remember when Barack Obama said he’d sit down and talk with Iran without preconditions?

YOUTUBE QUESTIONER: Would you be willing to meet separately without precondition within the first year of your administration in Washington or anywhere else with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea?



ANNCR: Maybe Obama doesn’t have preconditions but Iran does. Iran, whose President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said “Israel must be wiped off the map.”

Iran demands: That the U.S. must cease its support of Israel. And that all U.S. military forces must leave the Middle East. Meaning we abandon Iraq, Turkey and Kuwait.

What will Obama do? Will he admit he was wrong or will he accept Iran’s demands?

Tough question.

This points out the absurdity of Obama’s initial position, and the continuing absurdity of his defense of it. Why should we meet with Iran while their nation supports terrorism and wants to destroy one of our closest allies? What possible common ground would we have with the Iranian mullahcracy? We know what they want; they want Israel destroyed and hegemony over the region, enforced by their proxy terrorist militias Hamas and Hezbollah.


Obama has tried to back out of this pledge in every way imaginable other than admitting he made a mistake (and compounded it by recommitting to it two months later). He’s tried to say that “no preconditions” allows for “preparations”, which is laughable. No one presumed that he would hop into Air Force One and tell the pilot to go to Tehran for a drop-in visit with Moudy. He insisted in July 2007 that he would meet with Ahmadinejad and four other leaders of rogue nations in the first year of his presidency without any of them making any concessions before Obama met with them.

Now we see that other world leaders have their own ideas about preconditions, too. What will Obama do? What, indeed?

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