Gaslighting (literally) supercut!

Petar Petrov

A few months ago the EPA and Department of Energy began an effort to eliminate natural gas stoves that backfired spectacularly.

So spectacularly that, in a rare move, the Biden Administration backed off their public efforts and denied any plans to do what they clearly were planning to do.


Their MSM allies went into high gear ridiculing Republicans for their “conspiracy theory” about banning gas stoves. They went into full gaslighting mode, pretending that what was manifestly true was, in fact, clearly not.

It is a common tactic, that often works at least with their base.

The gaslighting was spectacular and intended to make it an article of faith that the controversy was entirely the Republicans’ fault.

Of course, the Left didn’t give up on their dream to outlaw fossil fuels; they simply have changed tactics.

The clearest example of this fact is that New York State, in a session that was essentially an orgy of bad legislation, topped its session off with a ban on natural gas connections to almost all new construction in the state. A slew of municipalities have passed similar laws, and Democrats are pushing the idea around the country.

There is no war on gas stoves. It is a war on all natural gas appliances.

This is a part of the effort to electrify everything, from cars to heating.

You have to admire the chutzpa of the Democrats in their gaslighting efforts. They never, for a moment, admit to what they are doing when criticized for some unpopular action. They instead go into the “it’s a conspiracy theory” mode, while simultaneously telling you that it would be very good for the thing that they claim not to be doing to get done.


It’s dizzying. And that is the point.

The Biden Administration took enormous heat for the increase in gasoline prices–increases that are a consequence of their policies to kill the domestic oil industry. During the campaign, Biden explicitly promised to destroy the industry, and his current Energy Secretary hates gasoline so much that she sings a song about preventing it from being recovered.

Yet when gas prices shot up and there was a consequent backlash, the Biden Administration went into high gear claiming that they were all for expanding supply. They in fact did so, but not through expanding gas and oil drilling, but by draining our emergency reserves–ensuring future problems.

Gaslighting. Insisting that reality doesn’t exist, and that only their own words are the truth.

One of the bizarre realities is that in our media-saturated age words have more power than ever. The ability to create a drumbeat of falsehoods seems to mesmerize people–at least some people. And those of us who look at reality and see that whatever is being claimed today is not true look like conspiracy theorists.

All the right people say the same thing! Look at all those smart people saying the same thing on TV. It must be true.

It’s not true. They are lying.


The war on natural gas is real. It is a campaign with massive funding behind it, thousands of propagandists pushing in unison, and the Democrat Party establishment firmly behind it.

Before the gas stove controversy blew up, you could even read stories about it in mainstream publications. Here is just one example from a news source for state legislators:

In a few short months, we have gone from “We are considering banning gas stoves” to “It is a conspiracy theory that we want to ban gas stoves” to “We are banning natural gas altogether.”

As Kathy Hochul says, “This is how you transition!”

More like “fundamentally transforming” the society, which is their goal.

Democrats get away with this melange of contradictory statements because their propagandists in the media back them up, unanimously, and relentlessly ridicule people who are telling the truth. They lie, they obfuscate, they mouth platitudes, and most of all ridicule the reality-based community.

As I wrote yesterday Senator John Kennedy is good at popping the bubbles of arrogance that surround people, and a perfect example was his discussion with an Energy Department official yesterday. For the life of him, Kennedy could not get him to say anything concrete, because anything concrete he would say would damage the Leftist attack on Americans.


The only concrete thing David Turk would say is this: we have to get to zero emissions in 27 years, which will cost trillions of dollars.

Zero emissions means no oil, no natural gas, no fossil fuels at all.

Fossil fuels provide 80% of the world’s energy. They want that to go to zero in 27 years.

Do the math.

Anybody who buys the idea that slashing 80% of our energy production will somehow result in a better standard of living is insane. There is no way to replace that energy production. Building energy infrastructure takes decades.

It took 35 years to build the Interstate Highway system. And that is pretty easy, comparatively. Building out entirely new energy systems and a massive increase in transmission? That is a ridiculously long-term project, and doing it reliably isn’t going to be a piece of cake.

Everything you hear from the Biden Administration and the environmentalists is gaslighting. Not a bit of it can be trusted. The only reason they are taken seriously is that a propaganda system worth $2.3 trillion combined, and that reaches into every home in America keeps repeating their lies.


They are coming for your stoves, your car, your home heating and air conditioning, and your way of life.

No matter how many times you are told that this fact is nonsense, it remains a fact.


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