Oppose drag shows? You are a modern Klansman

AP Photo/John Minchillo

The Washington Post has turned the amplifier up to 11.

Not content to slander people as transphobes for opposing drag shows for children, they have published an essay that compares social conservatives in 2023 to the Klansmen of the early 20th century.


They aren’t joking. If you want to keep men from shoving their genitals into the faces of children you are engaged in a modern-day lynch mob.

Honestly, what can you say to or about these people? They are so utterly delusional that it often seems like we are living in different realities. Either they are demented, or more likely just trying to gaslight the American public.

The original Klan, started by ex-Confederates chafing in a country where millions of people who had been held as property were now citizens, directed its terror at Black Americans. The reborn Klan expanded its range of hatred to the changing face of America: immigrants, Jews and Catholics. They also tried to repress the social liberation of women — in speakeasies thick with jazz, in film and in other cultural expressions.

Substitute today’s opposition to drag shows for the Klan’s campaign against changing morals and uncorseted flappers and you have another haunt of history. Those who want to turn back the demographic clock in the 2020s, who long for an America belonging to one race and one religion, will find a blueprint in the 1920s Klan.

Just as so many of those who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, were found to be everyday folks with good jobs, Klan membership in the 1920s was a cross section of White America. But make no mistake, those people belonged to a masked, highly secretive hate group and knew full well what they’d signed up for. They were not ignorant of their Klan oath.


The distinctive quality that made the KKK evil was its eagerness to terrorize its perceived enemies. The lynchings, the cross burnings, the pervasive threats, and intimidation.

That is why we revile the Klan. It was not because they disliked flappers if indeed they did. I wouldn’t know because hating flappers is not what made the Klan the Klan. Nobody looks back on the Klan and thinks “They objected to the moral laxity of the roaring 20s.” That would be like suggesting the reason why we remember the Nazis is that they built superhighways. Not exactly relevant to the reason we remember the Nazis so well.

We know the Klan because of the lynchings of Black people. The political intimidation. Not worries about moral laxity.

Just when you think that the media elite can’t get any slimier, they prove you wrong. There is no depth to which they will not sink.

Ironically, the KKK was the paramilitary wing of the Democrat Party, and its modern counterpart is Antifa. The Democrats have always been the party of political violence, and pretty openly so. Whether it is promoting the intimidation of Supreme Court justices, the harassing of political appointees by chasing them out of the public, or the regular storming of government buildings, the Democrats embrace these tactics.

That’s why January 6th was so shocking, and that’s why the Democrats have come down so hard on the January 6th rioters. Political violence is their thing and should be reserved for Democrats.


Here is my Lieutenant Governor proudly displaying her love of violence:

And here is the Minority Leader of the Wyoming House, a Democrat, who tweeted out a meme promoting the shooting of “transphobes:”

Kamala Harris actually raised money to bail out the Antifa rioters who burned down blocks of Minneapolis. She is now our Vice President, while that fund is still bailing out people who go on to murder innocent citizens, and the MSM “fact checks” away her participation.

CBS in the Twin Cities uncritically broadcast Kamala’s denial that she raised money for the fund and Newsweek actually fact-checked it claiming she didn’t. Yet the tweet doing so is remarkably still up in Kamala’s Twitter feed.


Over just the past two weeks we have seen Leftist protesters storm two capitols, take over the floor of the Tennessee House, and had the 4th transgender mass shooter kill 6 people at a Christian school. She left behind a manifesto, and yet the MSM is turning her into a victim.

And yet the Washington Post claims we are the Klan.


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