Sunday morning talking heads

As a reminder of how much power Republicans have in Washington right now, look no further than today’s Sunday show schedule. The topic du jour is the House health-care reform bill, of course, but the pro and con sides are each represented by GOPers. The White House and House leadership supporting the bill are bringing out the big guns: Paul Ryan will be on “Face the Nation,” HHS chief Tom Price will swing by “Meet the Press,” and budget czar Mick Mulvaney will guest on “This Week” and “State of the Union” to try to sell the plan. As I write this, there are exactly zero Democrats who specialize in health-care policy booked to counter them. Instead, all the big names in opposition are conservatives. Jim Jordan, who supports a clean repeal bill, will on “Fox News Sunday”; Mark Meadows, head of the House Freedom Caucus, will be sit down with “State of the Union”; Tom Cotton, who’s been begging Trump and the House to start over, will appear on “This Week”; and John Kasich, who warned Trump weeks ago that a bill that guts ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion will meet fierce resistance, will follow Price on “Meet the Press.” Expect him to be asked about the report that the White House is considering accelerating the rollback of the expansion, from 2020 to 2018, to make conservatives happy. His reaction will give you a sense of how salable this thing will be among purple-staters in the Senate.


There are Democrats booked this morning but they’re all over the board subject-wise. Bernie Sanders will be on “Face the Nation” to make the case for ObamaCare or single-payer or whatever. Adam Schiff, the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, will be on “This Week” to update the public on the search for the possibly mythical Obama wiretaps of Trump’s phone. And Luis Gutierrez will appear on “State of the Union” to whine about immigration enforcement. The full line-up is at the AP.

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