Scott Brown: My model for governing is ... John McCain

No whining now. We all knew the score.

Brown said his model for governing would be McCain, who would also be the first appointment in a packed schedule of meetings that morning. “I have great respect for Senator McCain,” he said of the Arizona senator, who was one of the first establishment players to support his seemingly quixotic bid against Attorney General Martha Coakley. “I’ve known him for a while, long before this, and you know he is a war hero and kind of a maverick independent thinker. While I want to be a Scott Brown Republican, I want to rely on everybody on both sides of the aisle,” he added, “I’ve told my leadership already that I’m not a rubber stamp for anybody.”

And Brown expressed reluctance to be associated at all with the Tea Party movement that helped elect him.

“There may be members of a certain group that supported me,” he said, “but I had supporters from every walk of life. And to focus on one specific group is a disservice to the campaign — it’s inclusiveness in making sure that everyone has a voice.”


Follow the link for his reply to Glenn Beck. According to Ben Smith, Brown’s already recorded a robocall for McCain, which means Maverick now can boast of having the endorsements of “Marco Rubio Republicans” and, er … “Charlie Crist Republicans.” Dave Weigel offered on Twitter to bet me 10 bucks that Brown will end up with a primary challenge after he antagonizes the base with one too many maverick-y moves. I’m inclined not to take that bet, although if it does happen, I think he could turn it to his advantage for the general election, framing himself as the pragmatic moderate besieged by ideologues of both sides. It’s harder for a Democratic challenger to scream “wingnut!” at him if a Republican challenger’s screaming “RINO!” at the same time.

Here’s his presser with McCain via Greg Hengler. Exit question: Is Scotty B going to torpedo The One’s plan to close Gitmo?

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